Sunday, August 31, 2008

Phreaking Phun with Photoshop

Just practicing with the color replacement tool... it's pretty entertaining. The red one is the original pic...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

New Art

But this is it for a week, since my scanner is leaving (Yeah, my dad is going back 2 China and no one else knows how to work the scanner, currently.)

The theme of my week is butterflies, only one pic i have now doesn't have butterflies. Also the theme is taking innocent things and making them violent. Only one pic i have now is non-violent.

I drew this one for a friend whom we all know very well... Butterfly, please notice, and no violence. ... Pencil. Darkened in Photoshop. Scanner killed it sorta ... scanner, you murderer!

There is a song called "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" by the Smashing Pumpkins... anyone? No? Well, it inspired 2 of these pictures. This is the second. Violence, and butterflies! Photoshop.

I've been wanting to do this for a long time now. Either you get it or you don't. (My family doesn't get it). No butterflies, but some violence! Outlined in Sharpie, colored in Photoshop. Easiest pic to color... ever.

And finally, this one needs an explanation. I was listening to "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" when i drew this (he's dropping bullets that turn into butterflies...) But then, i only had the head down. And it looked a little like Alucard (Hellsing fans, anyone?... I'm done with manga for the summer, i promise). Then there is this Chinese philosopher named ZhuangZi, and he was like "Did the man dream he was a butterfly, or did the butterfly dream he was a man?" And this is supposed to be him, but in a crazy, maniacal, gunman form... I sat down, wanting to draw something nice, but then WHAM this came out. ... No more murder mysteries for me. Butterflies and violence!
Pencil. Scanner killed my shading :[ But please look at the closeup, it's better looking.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I like the funky looking annoucment

Okay okay... I'm thinking of a artist sign thingy... like claw marks and a falling feather and maybe water coming out of the claw marks i dont know... but you said you wanted some art Karen and I felt like posting some so VWALA art time!

"Farm Road"
this is like one of my first ever drawings that i have on my art wall... and personally i love it

"Bird Houses"
this is another really old painting that i did in an art class thing out in some art school

this is something i never quite finished in 7th grade art class

"Ghost Tree"
this is my first and only work in the medium of chalk it was awesome

"Hills of Pain"
I drew this after someone tricked me, meant to be read from back to front

Friday, August 22, 2008

Oh my freaking lollipops gosh

This is the cast/crew of my story, Mental, i think everyone here has read it? Yes? KK, i've given up and given everyone a gender... um, but that's not necessarily true in the story. the middle person is not colored on purpose, or maybe cause i just gave up... The actual colored pencil coloring is better, so i'll put the pencil sketch on here too. And the title is because this took such a long time to color and is an astoundingly great example of bad coloring. [Right, and those waiting for pt 11 of my story are not getting it... i'm editing pt 1-10 before this gets out of hand.]

[Why are my posts so long and everyone else's so short? Oh well, i'm the Admin, i can do wat i want :P]
Guess who is who! (I like Doubt, he's cool)

Photoshop for color. ALL OF THE COLOR [>.<]

Classic Rock... not the way you do it

I was bored, and reading one of my old poems, and i mentioned plugging a piano into a giant amp so my neighbors could hear me too... and voila. Working on another pic, it's coming.

(It's not a small piano, it's just a big amp) (I can't draw pianos)

Freehanded in Sharpie (TM)

Monday, August 18, 2008

New Member!

OK everyone! Grace, otherwise known as "g-tizzle" has joined this blog. Expect more art and stuff soon!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Since I've been ordered

*stickes her tounge out at karen* since someone practicly ORDERED me to post... i will...
wow this is really early... and embarasing...

"Blood Feud"
first drawing that i colored in 6th grade....

"Fashionista Cat"
last cat person... and my best....
*cough, cough* its obvious i cant do hands

MY FIRST READ PERSON.... after a transformation...

I kno its lame

Now I realize her feet are in an impossible position...
"Chaos Swordsman"
What can I say? it was my first time drawing a guy...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

In the future, the mighty future, the lion sleeps ... wait.

I might be starting a new cartoon, just to let you guys know. Hey Grace! Become a member of this blog. Hey artists! Post.

On the subject of cartoons, i found a good one... it's been a long time since i found one this funny.
Oh right, my cartoons are the normal comic strip ones, not like this one. =] Cheers, and [this is for my cartoon] who do you hate more, Jonas Bros. or Hannah Montana? I don't even think i spelled her name right. [O.o]

PS: If you don't get this cartoon, read it out loud. It's from Speed Bump.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hello ladies and gentlemen

Hello everyone... my name's Rhiana...I'm here to post some art that I've done over the years... but some of it I would not have on the internet *shrinks into the floor* its not that good... so I'll only put a few things on at a time...

this is ABYSS




this is... OMG ITS A... A HAND

New Member!

Amber aka Rhiana is joining the legion of ... 2 artists ... on this blog. Haha! Welcome Amber and post. That goes for everyone.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Muchos de arte nuevo... new art.

From China. One is only half-colored... i'm not going to finish coloring that one, or the rest of them... too much work and i like the originals way too much anyways..... enjoy.